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The release of Apex Legends put a new spin on the battle royale genre

เขียนโดย joserburch Respawn Entertainment's surprise release of Apex Legends put a new spin on the battle royale genre which seemed like it’d been worn about as thin as it could be. Apex Legends'hero shooter route works so well that it makes one wonder how this was never done before but Respawn did players one better than just throwing another twist into the battle royale formula: it made an outstanding game. Apex Legends needs little introduction by now after the game released on February 4th you pick a Legend each of them with three unique abilities,12853 drop into a smallish map and battle royale your way to the top spot. Playing as squads of three is the only option available right now but Respawn's communication system combined with the limited number of Legends available now means three players per team is plenty.

As far as online games go the launch of Apex Legends was pretty impressive. Though from a player perspective the game came out of nowhere launching at the same time it was announced Apex Legends has had relatively few problems and barriers to play. While other games have seen connection issues and server troubles for the most part Apex Legends hasn't had the same kind of problems that online games often experience.

Most battle royale titles start out the same: a group of ragtag characters jump out of a carrier ship that seemingly popped up out of nowhere before dropping to the ground and fighting for their lives. Apex Legends Respawn Entertainment's foray into the genre is much like those characters. The surprise launch was met with equal doses of confusion and excitement and there was a bit of skepticism too. But after the game leaped out of its carrier ship it hit the ground running and has thus far found a great deal of success in the genre.

Last night I finally encountered what top Apex Legends players are describing as a neat trick or an OP strat but for me just resulted in a newfound hatred for doors. I hopped onto Apex Legends for a few rounds of shooty-shooty funtimes with some buddies. We'd done all right for the most part often hitting Apex Legends'midgame and equipping a couple of our favorite guns before unceremoniously getting owned. It wasn't until a couple of games in that we encountered a situation that quick reflexes and deft aiming neither of which I boast in this game couldn't get us through.

There is one issue that seems to effect Apex players of all stripes though especially on PC. That's the trouble of game crashes. Apex Legends will often crash mid-match possibly because of issues with graphics or stability possibly because of a brief loss of connectivity. Members of the Apex community have shared their troubles in forums and attempted to find fixes for the issues but they still occur with worrying frequency. Compared to other battle royale games like Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Apex Legends is the best one yet at least in this reviewer's opinion after advancing past level 80 and trying out each of the Legends.

