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The question as it was posed:

I recently saw a program on PBS about a scientist that had a theory about a parallel universe and how every time we make a decision, another self experiences another version or our action in another universe. Is this true and can you explain?

This is one of the hardest things to explain because of built in beliefs in the solidity of matter which infers that there is some kind of lack of space for more than one really big universe, so we are here tied to words and concepts that you have grown to love even though they bear very little resemblance to the truth. We have discussed this before and will continue to do so in the future, but in a nutshell, solidity is simply the appearance that your senses experience within their range of perception and then sending data to the brain, painting a picture of certain values expressed in terms that you can understand. You are then, creating reality from an available field of energy and if you weren't so insistent on experiencing matter as solid, you would realize that what is solid to you, is only solid to you, and you cannot assume that others in the universe perceive your same version of solidity.

I am well aware that the concepts that I try to explain here could not be adequately explained in an entire book, let alone one short article, but I do hope to at least give you something to think about. At first what I say here will make very little sense to most, but that does not make it any less true and remember this, understanding the true nature or reality is not as easy as it is to accept the children's tales and myths that you have been taught in the past. Reality is complex and unbelievably rich and the existence of one universe infers the existence of more, since nothing exists in isolation.

There are other worlds and other universes that you will never locate with your scientific instruments. You are immersed in a world of time and space so everything must be examined within the confines of consecutive moments and distance. You would then be forced to presume that if another universe did exist, it would have to be located somewhere beyond the farthest reaches of your own familiar universe and that is not the case. Time and space are only relevant within your own plane and in that respect, you are alone in that presumption. Time and space are not prevalent in any other system of reality as they are in yours, but while you are immersed in it, you must respect their effects as they impinge on your everyday life. Although time and space have no true reality and are simply an illusion in your system, you must abide by them and failure to do so can result in dire consequences. So within the confines of time and space, you will find it almost impossible to understand that other worlds and universes can and do exist simultaneously and coincidentally with your own, just as valid and just as solid. By that I mean that other universes exist within the same space that your does and they do not collide or interfere in any way.

I have used this analogy before and I am quite proud of it. Imagine a nice sunny day at the beach as you sit on your towel listening to your favorite country radio station. Imagine also that others around you on the beach are listening to other different radio stations. Next to you a young lady is talking on her cell phone and another listens to rock music on his I-Pod. As a plane flies over the beach, the pilot is talking by radio the tower at the airport and in a home nearby, an armature radio operator is talking on a short wave radio while his wife watches a program on television. Now, here is the point, as you sit on the beach on this bright and beautiful day, your music being broadcast on your radio station is not affected in the least by all of the other communications being carried on the air waves as sound is broadcast through your atmosphere on various different frequencies, and unless there is some kind of bleed through caused by electrical storms or other weather phenomena, there will no interference.

Each station is required to adhere to certain pre-agreed upon frequencies effectively separating each independent station.. There is no lack of space to contain all of these frequencies and one will usually never overlap the another. Your universe represents just one station, the station to which your consciousness if precisely tuned and locked into, so it is impossible for you to tune in to other such frequencies under normal conditions. There are however, hints and intuition insights that can give you some clue to the existence of these other worlds and universes.

Imagine each frequency representing a different plane, world, dimension or even a different universe, none affecting another and all coexisting harmoniously together, never suspecting that they are actually moving thorough and about each other in what you would call the same space as your earth and your universe. So there is no confusion about what I am saying, as you sleep peacefully in your bed, an entire city, in another country, in another world entirely, could swish through your bedroom and you would never wake up.

Now here is the really strange thing about it. You experience your reality as solid, concrete, rigid and having duration in time and if I said that a cloud could move through it, you might possibly agree, but I am telling you that the inhabitants of the other worlds or universes that are in your same cosmic neighborhood, that are constantly moving through and around yours also experience their world as just as solid as yours. To them your world would be considered transparent at best. Now, the inhabitants of these other realities are :"tuned" into their own worlds frequencies, their own familiar station, so they can only perceive their own world but others that exist in different frequency ranges are invisible to their precisely tuned perceptions. Generally, you only see your own constructions.

This might help in the understanding- in the greater inner universe where all worlds have their roots, time and space do not exist, moments do not tick by and distance is only a psychological frame of mind. All places are ONE PLACE and what you consider quantitative is only your interpretation of what is qualitative. There is no distance to be traveled and no time to waste. All realities have a mental origin, energy thrust outward creating many different worlds, planes and universes for the convenience of diverse experience and pleasures of the entities involved in their creation. No world is the same and no "alien personalities" are quite the same either, otherwise there would be no real reason for the vast diversity of realities throughout the universe and beyond. The soul is prolific and creates worlds and universes as its playground, but with serious implications and complications.

A world is an idea projected into a matter format, constructed by the co-operative nature of atoms to accumulate and fill in mental patterns created by all souls/entities interested in that particular system. A world is a platform for diverse and unique experience, each with it's own unique rules and laws, through which the soul can experience that which it could not otherwise experience. Your enigmatic flying saucers are not invading your space as it may seem, to them, they are simply flying through their own space which sometimes causes an anomaly, a bleed through into other coincidental space and in these cases, they observe nothing of your world, which to them does not exist. It is quite unusual that you can even see them at all since they are not of your plane.

I have told you before the physical systems ALL follow certain (basic laws) criteria, one is "Reincarnation", the other is "Probabilities". There is no exception to these two rules. Yours is a system rising from an unseen field of probabilities and reinforced by consecutive lives to enhance the opportunity for growth and to allow for evolution to occur. The discovery of the possibility of parallel universes comes from the known fact that atoms can be in more than one place at once. We have discussed reincarnation before, so now let me say that the television program about another "You" existing in a parallel universe was close to being right, but with one small exception, and that is, there are many probable (parallel) universes not just one.

The soul would never be content with such a limited "one parallel universe" experience. Your world (Earth) is but one probable world in the physical system and there are others that are also physical in your terms and are also bound by the same rules of probabilities. Portions of your identity do exist on the other parallel earths and they consider their earths the "Real Earth" and to them yours is the probable or parallel world.

All probable (parallel) physically manifested worlds exist, rooted in a limitless unseen universe or field of probabilities. To understand probabilities, you must first understand one of the most basic characteristics of the soul/entity consciousness. The soul is so expansive and boundless that it is hard to explain, in a remote way, you could say that your soul/entity is your closest direct representative of God, endowed with such sophistication, intellect and imagination that it creates realities as your breath creates mist on a cold window pane. The soul above all is creative and being energy based consciousness, it always tries to assume form, as many personality forms as it can handle, that it then releases with full independence into various different systems of realty (worlds).The soul benefits immeasurably from this multitude of personalities that it has created in what is a kind of osmosis of experience.

From the life experience of its many personalities, the soul also experiences and becomes more, grows and evolves as do the personalities themselves, so it only makes sense that the soul would usually project its identities into a multitude of varied systems so the experience gathered is as diverse as possible. Enter the "probable system" of parallel worlds and universes. I know what I say here is scandalous and defies the intellect, but in some cases the intellect developed with time and space is just not sufficient to handle these other world concepts, but stick with me on this.

The field of probabilities contains every option, every variation of every physical action, every decision ever мейд, ever being мейд and ever will be мейд in the future. What I am saying, past present and future all exist now in an unseen immediate present, but you can't access them from your present awake consciousness. Only your intense фокус on the present imprisons you in the present, but this in not the important thing at this time. For practical purposes as it relates to parallel universes, the field of probabilities provides you with a large number of choices at every important juncture of your life where you make choices as to your future actions. The choices that you make are selected by you (unknowingly and automatically) from this unseen universe of probabilities.

Much of this decision making happens in the inner reality unbeknown to the conscious ego- sometimes in the dream state where you experiment with different outcomes to the various choices of future events available to you. This is why you sometimes have dreams of very real and detailed life situations that frighten you, but that never materialize. That means that you have decided against this particular dream option and have chosen something else. Dream time is often utilized by the subconscious personality to experiment with various outcomes to potential future events in your life and is quite necessary in the decision making process of life itself. All consciousness dreams, flowers and trees dream as do the animals, and no matter how sophisticated your sciences become, you will never be able to eliminate the necessity to dream. In other words, you will always need to sleep and you cannot dispense with it although you may be able to limit it somewhat.

Lets take a hypothetical life situation for an example. Assume that you are walking down a beautiful country road when you come to a fork in the road, one going off to your right has a lovely creek beside the road. The road running off on your left is shaded by beautiful trees overhanging the road. You would like to take the road on your right and enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the creek, but you also think about how nice it would be to walk the road on your left in the shade of the trees, admiring and listening to the singing birds. You finally decide to take the road by the creek, so you veer off to the road on the right. At that very instant a probable self, another version of you veers off to the left and takes the tree lined road. From that very instant that (left road event) is materialized in a parallel world, which is of course, contained in a parallel universe. There is no contradiction and it's just the way things are, a matter of fact that all possible events will be materialized somewhere, sometime.

The existence of only one parallel universe, would infer that only one differing choice could be actualized, but that is not the case and in reality, ALL POSSIBILITIES of any event available to you will be chosen by and will happen somewhere by another probable you in his own world. In short, all possibilities are probable and all probabilities will happen somewhere. It would make a great imprinted T-Shirt that said "EVERYTHING HAPPENS SOMEWHERE". The massive abundance of "All That Is" is truly astounding.

As an aside, not every possible event will be materialized by another you. Some possible insignificant events will never be enacted since they do not have enough impetus for materialization by another probable self. For instance, if you blow your nose, that does not mean that a probable self will decide "not to blow his nose". Those kind of innocuous events are of course energy based and no energy is ever wasted, so the energy, which is insufficient for actualization as a meaningful event to you and your probable selves, will fall into another system somewhere and be naturally assimilated into the native environment of that system. All systems are connected and no energy is ever wasted.

You might ask, what is the reason behind this system of probabilities? Simply stated : the soul/entity splits off portions of itself, you call them personalities, projects them into many diverse worlds to gain experience, to evolve and to grow. This is the difficult part to understand, so hold on to your brain. The various personalities created and released by the soul are all independent and have complete freedom of action within their own worlds.

As they learn, evolve and grow, they are to become more aware of the other existing versions of themselves that exist in these other probable worlds. The ultimate goal is a reunification with the other probable selves into the one whole self which is in itself an incipient soul/entity. You, as this new soul/entity will then create new personalities of your own who will explore new universes through their independent lives that you will give to them. Upon your physical death, after this life, between lives, you will become aware of these other probable portions of yourself dealing with their own challenges in their own worlds, but all headed in the same direction, the evolution of the soul and ultimately, the evolution of "All That Is".

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: w.allan@hotmail. You may also read other articles at my blog at:

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