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Take the exit from the opposite direction to find yourself

เขียนโดย Breezespring
Take the exit from the opposite direction to find yourself on a rampart, surrounded by a sword knight as well as a weaker adversary with a torch. You must always stand crouch and wait until they to Elden Ring Runes turn away, then sneak up to shoot the weaker soldier prior to fighting the knight. When they're defeated, you can continue towards the ramparts where you will see a ladder you can climb on the left and an entrance at the bottom.
We'll begin with a walk to the entrance which leads to a church where you'll meet an Sorcerer known as Rogier whom you will have to convince to take down Godrick and offer you spells. Once you've finished speaking to him you can head toward the ladder and climb up onto a second roof.
Begin by dropping off the roof's edge right next to the ladder. You will then be able to find the Kukri with x5 below. You can enter the chapel through the window, then climb back up the ladder. You will then climb through the bell tower. You will see there the Golden Rune [2] on the roof. You can then climb towards the nearby steps.
In this area, you'll encounter extremely dangerous stormhawks. They will throw explosive barrels at you triggering other explosives in the region. It is important to approach them slowly in order to catch their barrel tossing, so you will be able to take them down without worrying about getting blown up. Always keep an eye on their unsteady swooping attacks before guard countering. Go around and go to Elden Ring Runes for sale the dead-end behind the stairs . You will see the Smithing Stone [2] (beware yet another stormhawk ambush) Continue toward the forward direction, passing through one more stormhawk, before reaching this point. Rampart Tower Spot of Grace once more.

