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Kick PvP out of the Wilderness

เขียนโดย MMOexpsitefans
I remember when we had revenant searching rs 3 gold clans (such as RuneScape player55 I think) congregating at the temple and at times adventuring out into the wild to kill revs. It was particularly fun when we gradually died off one by one so eventually everyone would run off at a different way and I'd be alone to fend for myself. This and clan wars made the wild likely among the regions in game, there was possibilities and selection. I'd be up for committed revenant worlds in which they drop to incentivize us to teaming up once again.

Fully concur; Give them a power boost, make them drop Revenant uniques somewhat more generally to compensate, and kick PvP out of the Wilderness (except state w18 and another planet ).pvp dedicated world isn't a bad idea, it would focus it. There nothing you can do outdoors of earning Boss degree NPCs.

Its Since the PvP Community is one of the absolutely toxic I've ever seen. Should you lose, you. If you beat them, you're either a cheater or a meals chugging carebear (regardless if they were ingesting too or not). And that is only if you really manage to come across Solo PvPers. The huge majority seem to run into roving Gangs, dismissing each other but moving after the smaller teams or solo RuneScape players. Then, when an Update comes along that attempts to balance out things for individuals, or threatens their Edge. And we wonder why Jagex ceased trying to make anything.

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I really believe the reason PvP is dead is because theres no learning curve. You have lost it all if you die, and it's a pain in the ass. If, for example, you had"generic pvp equipment" you may easily buy for like, 100k, I'm convinced people would take action. But atm you fork out maybe a million gp spend 30 minutes getting it back possibly lose it 5 seconds, and repeat. Why would I want to do this? To the guy that got triggered by my view and sent a message to me calling me an oxygen thief, welcome to the internet. The OP can be seen by me and I have similar messages. To Pkers, even if you would like to Pk, cool, hope you have fun. I think its difficult to perform.

