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This is part 2 of 2 of this article and it covers the following:

Spiritual Blessings of God On the Black Race The True Origin of Black Americans The Spiritual Birthright On Black Americans Egyptian Symbols of America Egyptian Birth of America Black Americans & the Key of David Black Israelite Americans Genetically Engineered Race in Christian Nations


[This article was first published May 21, 2009. It was last updated Oct. 15, 2011. Updates are often, but not always, in brackets.]

In part 1, we already covered the mixed marriages of Adam and Eve, Ham and his wife and Abram Ham and Sarah. The list of important personages in mixed marriages continues. Mixed marriage is a pattern with deeper meaning in the Plan of Redemption of God. God is reconciling black to white, race to race and man to God. There is no desire to homogenize through interracial marriages, but there is a desire for man to respect and appreciate differences in race like he appreciates differences in gemstones and flowers.

Moses married a black Ethiopian named Zipporah. That was a repeat of the marriage of white Adam to black Eve. That mixed marriage produced Temple officials, including treasurers. Those offices definitely required men with exceptional intelligence and morality. As you will recall, Prophetess Miriam began a race riot because of her jealousy of Zipporah (Numbers 12:10). God responded by giving WHITE Leprosy to Miriam as a statement of the racial policy of God.

God essentially told Miriam: Since you are so proud of being white, I will make your skin exceedingly white with White Leprosy. What is more, I will segregate you from my people the same way you would segregate black Zipporah. Both black and white racists need to think about that event in the context of the racial policy of God. God, (who was I-Am/Jesus) might have taken personal offence at the racism of Miriam because He (Jesus) would be the product of mixed marriages Himself. Another dimension to that race riot was that Miriam was motivated by job insecurity- she did not want Zipporah to take her job. A prime motive for racism is the struggle for jobs.

Jesus came from a series of mixed marriages and/or couplings. One of those was between Judah and black Tamar (Genesis 38). Judah was the particular son of Jacob who produced Jewish people. Jesus was a Jew and a descendant of black Tamar. Tamar had twin sons by Judah. One son has been known by the red ribbon that was tied around his wrist at birth. Descendants of black Tamar migrated northward and settled in the British Isles. Those people have been known by the color red because of the red ribbon of Tamar. Colonial Americans called them Red Coats. They are British.

A red t for Tamar is the central design element of the British flag and a red ribbon is tied around the t. As descendants of a black mother, British people have the Spiritual birthright of Eve. Britain played a critical role in world civilization by spreading both constitutional government and Christianity to every part of the world it colonized. In that way, Britain fulfilled the promise of God to Abraham that his descendants would be a blessing to the world. Your descendants shall be blessings to all the nations of the earth. (Genesis 25:3-5).

Key people in the Plan of God were in mixed marriages. For example, Judah and black Tamar produced the Jewish tribe that Jesus would eventually be born into. Another mixed marriage that directly relates to black Americans was the marriage that God arranged between white Joseph and the exceedingly beautiful black Priestess Aseneth of Egypt. The purpose of that critical marriage was to produce the particular Nation of Priest that is often mentioned in the blessings of God to the descendants of Abram Ham.

The United States is that Nation of Priests and national symbols attest to the origin of this nation in Egypt. For example the Great Seal describes the birth of the tribe of Joseph in Egypt. The religion of this nation is not religion in the strict sense. It is the Gospel of Liberty in Law, which was built into the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the Government of the United States. This revolutionary Gospel converted the whole world to a new way of governance whereby common citizens were in control. Representative government is a Spiritual blessing from God through the black race and it is a religion that has converted and uplifted the world.

What is more, each citizen is a king. And, he is a priest. Lawfully, a common American citizen is equal to every king and religious leader in the world. For this reason, no American should grovel before a king or religious leader because the American is himself a king and priest. A groveling gesture could be legally binding in Heaven to where a free American citizen surrenders his or her equal legal status in preference to slavery under a king or religious leader. So, politely refrain from groveling before a king or religious leader so that God does not retaliate against you because you disrespected your birthright like Esau did.


The Eagle on the Great Seal of the United States is God, who flew His eaglets out of Egypt when Pharaoh tried to massacre them. This same Eagle led Puritans from Britain and Europe to the wilderness of North America. God flew His Church to North America in order for it to give birth to the free Government of the United States. The Government of the United States is the Son of the Church of God, just as Jesus Christ is the Son of the Temple of God.

Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on the wings of an eagle, and brought you unto myself (Exodus 19:4).

To the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place (Revelation 12:14).

Jesus answered them, Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days (John 2:19).

The reverse of the Great Seal has the Unfinished Pyramid, which also refers back to Egypt. The American Pyramid is unfinished until Jesus returns as its Capstone from Heaven. America will be complete when her Groom returns to marry her.

Above the Great Eagle is the Pillar of Smoke by which God protected His Chosen People, who are the special race of Abram Ham. The very center star within the cluster of stars is the tribe of Manasseh. That particular tribe was reckoned to be the THIRTEENTH tribe of Israel. Manasseh was the black son of white Joseph and black Aseneth and recipient of the second-born birthright, which is the Spiritual birthright of Eve. Black Manasseh was destined to become the United States of America, a City on a Hill and Beacon of Liberty in a world run by Kings, Caesars, Emperors and Dictators. Government of, by and for the people is the secular religion of Black Manasseh. That is why the Great Seal has the words, New Secular Order. Secular refers to common citizens.

Is the number 13 bad luck? Yes, it is an unlucky number for the enemies of Black Manasseh. But, it is a lucky number for the people of Black Manasseh, who are Americans and Spiritual Israelites regardless of Race.


God had arranged to legally transfer world government and world religion from Egyptian leaders to Joseph and black Aseneth. Through a set of miracles, Joseph rose to be King of Egypt while Egypt waited the maturing of a new Pharaoh. At the same time, the Priesthood of Egypt was transferred to the son of Aseneth, who was Black Manasseh, because Aseneth was the daughter of Potiphera, Priest from the City of On (Genesis 41:45). By the time Israelites left Egypt, they had legally taken both title of World Ruler and title of World Priestess. That transfer of power was symbolically stated when Egyptians gave their gemstones to Israelites. Gemstones were used as legal proof of ownership of birthright inheritance. In other words, Egyptians abdicated their birthrights to Israelites and those birthrights included both governmental and religious authority under God.

God arranged yet another mixed marriage between Boaz & black Ruth. Ruth was a black Moabite whom God blessed to be a mother of Jesus Christ. The lesson to be learned about Ruth was that she clung to God and would not let go no matter what shame and deprivation she suffered. When God designed the Temple, Ruth was represented by one of the two great pillars in front of the Temple of Solomon. The Two Pillars on the Porch of the Temple represented the mixed marriage of white Boaz to black Ruth. God used black Ruth in a case of Hybrid Vigor in order to get the desired genetic makeup for His Son, Jesus Christ.

Both King David and Jesus Christ came from black Ruth. They were examples of genetic engineering in order to produce special humans. Humble black Ruth, who was not even an Israelite by birth, was raised up to be one of the two Great Pillars before the Temple of God. Black Americans should think about that when they consider a return to Africa or to a religion from Africa. They should instead proclaim with enthusiasm and pride that they will not be moved from their rightful places as equal citizens of the Great Nation of God, the United States of America. If you want the Promised Land, then take it like Caleb did. That was certainly what presidential candidate Obama did.


We just covered American symbols that originated in Egypt. It needs to be emphasized that Egypt is a black nation in the continent that God gave to the black descendants of Ham as their inheritance. In other words, the people and Government of the United States were born in the black continent of Ham and among the black Race. People of the United States are children of Ham by the legal adoption of Abram into the family of Ham. In addition, people of the United States, whether black or white in outward appearance, are offspring of mixed marriages arranged by God Himself.

It is no surprise then that national symbols of the United States illustrate the mixed bloodline of the American population. The next time you view the Senate and House of Representatives in the news, take note of the columns that your Freemason Forefathers designed in order to state that Americans are a mixed race. In both Houses of Congress, you will see stone columns that are colors of black and white. These columns symbolize the racial mix of Jesus Christ and the priestly tribe of Manasseh. Note also that these columns ARE the columns of the Temple of Solomon. The Ark of the Covenant, on which God sits, is behind these black and white columns and the Veil (symbolically speaking).

These columns are symbolic statements of governmental and religious authority that began with white Adam, the Architect of world government and Black Eve, the High Priestess of world religion. This authority was restated down through Biblical history with arranged marriages between white government leaders and black women with Spiritual gifts and authority. All that authority culminated in the creation of the Capitol Building in Washington DC, which is the Temple to which Jesus Christ will return at His return. Behind the curtain in the Senate is the Ark of the Covenant on which kneel the Two Golden Angels that represent the Two Witnesses of Jesus. His Two Witnesses are married Americans and the husband is of white ancestry while the wife is of black ancestry. They are the new Adam and Eve in a New World of God, which is the Millennial Kingdom of God.

In the US Senate, we see the Veil to the Holy of Holies. Inside that Veil is God, Who is sitting on the Ark of the Covenant with the His Prophets of Revelation 11. On both sides of the veil are the blue Windows of Heaven through which God pours out blessing of Heaven onto America (Malachi 3:10).

I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! (Malachi 3:10)

Let us reconsider the role that a modern day Abram Ham played in the Plan of God. President Abram Ham Lincoln was instrumental in freeing black Israelites from slavery in the United States. Read my article on the 2500-year blessing of black Israelites in America and you will see that God used a preordained calendar of events with regard to black Americans. God purposely raised a man named Abraham to the presidency in order for the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to be created in the preordained year of 1868. That amendment gave legal citizenship to black Israelites after their Diaspora was finished.

The name Abraham was not mere coincidence. It was to call the attention of black Americans to the ancient blessing of God on the children of Abram Ham. It was the way that God had of saying- I have brought you back to me as I promised to your father and my friend Abraham. Now, follow me in righteousness so that I will bless you. Indeed, God has begun to bless black Americans as black citizens rise to positions of authority in the United States and other Christian nations. Please read my article on the 2500-year Blessing of God On Black Israelites in order to understand why God waited until the predestined year of 2009.

This article was continued from part one, which covered the following subjects:

Black and White In The Government of the United States Role of Black and White Races in Bible History Black Race in Bible & US History The population of the United States descended from Abram-Ham The Chosen People of God Are from Mixed Marriages God Mixed Black with White to Produce a Superior Race God used Genetic Engineering The US Government Began in Black Africa

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