The Honor Problem in Burning Crusade Classic
In Burning Crusade Classic, there is a massive problem for players trying to farm honor through battlegrounds in hopes of purchasing off pieces for Season 1 Arena gear. This issue began to present itself during the Pre-Patch event leading up to the Dark Portal opening, where Blizzard implemented a "double Honor" week. While that was nice for the Pre-Patch, it was merely a band-aid on a bigger issue... Horde queue times are getting worse and worse every day since Burning Crusade Classic launched.To get more news about buy gold for wow classic, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
Arena is an extremely popular mode for Player versus Player content and Burning Crusade is the expansion this game mode was introduced to World of Warcraft. One of the hot button issues for over a decade in World of Wacraft is Racial ability balance. Alliance players have Perception, Escape Artist, and Stoneform, Horde players have Hardiness, Will of the Forsaken, and Tauren Hitboxes. The Horde racials are generally considered to be much more impactful in PvP situations, as Undead is one of the most popular race choices for top performing teams.
While this issue isn't only a Racial ability issue, it also comes down to the fact that players are required to play with the same faction in arena. That means when a group of people choose to play one faction, other people that might want to play with those people will also go to that faction, and in the end, everyone has a larger pool of players to play with.
Taking a look at the demographics (thanks to from the final weeks of World of Warcraft Classic versus the first few weeks of Burning Crusade Classic, you can see how the Horde have become even more popular on North American PvP Realms:
As the demographic data shows, Horde made up 53% of the population at the tail end of World of Warcraft Classic, and now make up 61% in Burning Crusade Classic. This inevitable causes a major issue when it comes to queuing for Battlegrounds, which is always an Alliance versus Horde PvP activity. With the lopsided populations, Horde Battleground queues get longer and longer.
And this isn't only a problem for the Horde. Because as the queue times get longer, Horde players look for opportunities to farm Honor elsewhere on PvP realms. That means they go out in the world and kill lower leveled players trying to innocently quest in each zone in Outland. In fact, you can get more honor from killing low level players in Zangarmarsh in a 45 minute queue than you would get from the entire battleground's worth of honor. This isn't a healthy experience for Horde or Alliance players.