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Nirut and the She-ocean

[6800 BC to 22,490 BC]

(In the On Earth and in the Black Galaxy)


This is the 4th in the series of tales on "Nirut..." written out 7-12-2007.The original story, or better put, the She-Ocean's first appearance on paper was in the Tiamat trilogy, she comes up only in a few chapters, in around the year 6800 BC, but her birth was long before that epoch, she dates back fifteen years before the date Nirut took her to earth, in 22,490 BC, in which she was fifteen years old. And the premise of this story, involves her roots, which have never been told until now.

Prelude: The Adversary, as he was called when thrown out of heave for his evil dealings, came to dwell on earth, among living men, he could take up his form to be as a man, and cohabitate with women, which he did- on the other хэнд, he could and did shape change, return to his immortal spirit form, at will. All who saw him on earth, or saw his kind, for there were others like him, were both glad for is evilness he taught, and fearful of his doom he presented. Nirut in time would look into his eyes, and read the doom there.

The Story

She walks only by night, so it is said, the She-Ocean, whom sleeps among the old ruins of Pergamun, in Asia Minor, the Adversary's Throne. She is considered to be the mistress, the fairest of all of them, to the Adversary. From the hills of Yort, to the Black Sea, and beyond, she is renowned, all there who dwell know of her. Even the elite of hell's domain have come to draw to here side for comfort. It wasn't always that way though.

She is acquainted with grief and has a story like every one else to tell that has not been told yet, this one, in the annuals of the Tiamat, and King Nirut's. She had at one time fallen in love with Sinned, a young warrior from Yort. And when he left, so great was her sorrow, not even the Adversary saw that deep into her soul. For five-hundred years she did limitations over him. It is fare to say, she no longer weeps over him. But I must bring you back to her time on Lihterb, for she was not from planet Earth, oh, no, not at all.

She had a second love, a childhood sweetheart you could say, and that is the premise of the story, somewhat, also to let you know King Nirut was familiar with Earth, but this will be the only story you will ever read of him coming to earth, and I shall tell you why soon.

Long before the days of Yort, and Pergamun as I said before, the young beauty lived on Lihterb she was born there, before she crossed the boarder of the Black Galaxy to enter Earth's solar system, and the Milky Way. Her mother was one who brought sorrow to wisdom, and her father was no other than the famous seer, Japer the Seer, King Nirut's adviser. Nirut grew fond of her, and her beauty, she was but fifteen years old when they met for a short term relaltionship.

(22,490 BC)

Ocean, was her name, the She part would come later, when she would become an entity for Earth's orbit.

Her beauty was timeless, with golden hair, and bronze skin, thick lips, and a firm shapely body her voice sounded like echoes. She delighted in dancing and singing- she loved the lands of Lihterb and the legends of Toso, as they grew, especially those of the now dead king, the Blue King, and the growing fame of Nirut.

The Horns of the Host of Hell

She dwelt with her family in the acropolis of the Northern Kingdom of Lihterb. She was a health giver in the House of Life (a nurse of sorts), and she was the keeper of souls slain in battle, at the temple site of the city, she prayed for the heroic deed. She had a mind like a pure diamond, never forgetting a thing, and able to have visions and dreams, those that would tell the future, and she saw her self in Egypt, on a planet called Tiamat II, or Earth. And a huge creature with ten wings called the Adversary. Was this just a dream or was this her fate, it was at the moment her nightmare, night after night, it was her pain, her grief, and she knew if that was her life to be, then she had to take advantage of the moment. Perhaps, especially in her case, one of mans most precious gifts is not to foretell the future.

At this time, Nirut with his brother Niruh, battled many small nations and readied him self for the great conquest to be on planet SSARG. And he took Ocean with him, and loved her in his own selfish way. And did for her what her father did for him, take her on the great hunts, such as, hunting the beasts of the mountains on Lihterb, and the hounds and Tor-rats on Toso, and then he wanted to do the great hunt of the Mantic are, and they were only known to be on Earth, or planet SSARG, and he was not ready for SSARG, so he went to Earth.

There in Egypt he sought the mantic ore out, and the unicorn, and the then he heard of the creature, which was neither man nor beast, known as the Adversary, and he now sought him out, and to his dismay, he found him.

All flowers on Earth seemed to bow to this youthful beauty from Lihterb, and so did she catch the eye of the Adversary whom was standing like a towering statue on top of a hill, looking down with many other spirits. He took a second glance at Ocean.

Now here is told in the brief of what took place that fatal day in Egypt, from the annuals of King Nirut, found after his death:

"The Adversary as they called him was way beyond my thoughts. He could do more than any monster or demon. Shape change at will, lift trees out from under their giant roots, catch eagles with his eyes and paralyze them, he was the king of this land. I was hunting something I knew nothing about. I perhaps owe my life to Ocean, for had she not been there, I would not have мейд it back to Lihterb, or my 2000-man army. After seeing him up close, and hearing him, and seeing what he could do, he was like Rue of Toso, a little god, and more powerful than the Gifted Ones. For I never heard of them doing what I saw the Adversary could do. He became a hundred feet tall, then six hundred feet tall, than seven feet tall, in a matter of minutes, perhaps seconds.

He said to me, "You are out of your boundaries, too bad..." and I read in his eyes, doom, and Ocean read in my eyes, doom. His followers were similar to him, and I could not understand their tongues. They could speak in several languages. He could suppress my army in a matter of minutes, if not seconds I knew now. What could I do, I мейд a deal with him, that I do not regret to this day, yet I do deep down in my heart. I offered him Ocean, and she accepted, to save our lives, although she did not say that, I knew that, and he agreed to allow us to leave unharmed, but should I return for She-Ocean, for he named her that, at that moment, it would my doom, as well as my army's doom. And so we were set free of this deadly force beyond our control. She became a legend and hero on Lihterb, and will live long after my death, for her sacrifice to her king."

She-ocean, never did leave Earth again, but lived way beyond Nirut's life time, and became the host for Sinned of Yort, and the mistress of the Adversary. On the other хэнд, Nirut never did return to Earth, he didn't know how to subdue the Adversary, or his followers, as Sinned would in future time and so back on Lihterb, he readied for the Great Battle, and wars to be, on planet SSARG, nor did he live that long to think about returning, even if he wanted to.

(See the first part of this story called, "The Solders of Nirut," the battle of SSARG.)

Notes on the writing of: "Nirut and the She-Ocean"

Notes on, "Nirut and the She-Ocean": Today (7-12-2007) I ended up writing on the Platform again, in Huancayo, after having lunched a few blocks from Mini's house, hamburger steak, eggs and potatoes, and a cup of coffee, and coke. Then I found myself sitting the platform writing under the rays of the penetrating sun. Some dark clouds seeping over towards the Andes, I almost prayed they stay away until I finished this short sketch of "Nirut and the She-Ocean," and to my surprise it did.

In the trilogy I wrote about the Tiamat, in 2002, in one or two of the books the She-Ocean come to light, she is a wonders woman indeed, more like a sly cat, with powers beyond the normal, in the 6th millennium BC, in the time of Yort, the city in Asia Minor on earth.

The outline was all written out in about four hours- I am redoing, and reading the three pages I wrote out. One can learn about her in a few of the chapters of the Tiamat books, but you it doesn't really tell you her background. Where she came from, and how she ended up in Egypt, and how the Adversary and she became a unit almost. This story tells all, in addition, it gives you a glimpse at Nirut's first and final voyage to earth. The picture of the She-ocean was drawn January, 2005, long after I wrote my first words concerning her.


Notes on writings of: "Marduk (and, 'Omen the Seer')

...this story, "Marduk (and 'Omen the Seer')" was started on 7-12-2007, 1:23 AM, the first paragraph written on Omen the Seer, indicating in the year 22,487, they became allies on Planet Toso, now governed by King Nirut, his third year in command. Also, "Glistening Twilight¨-," was written that night. Parts Two and Three were written in the morning of the 12th of July, the "New King by Proxy," "The Hidden Days on Lihterb."

In part four, "Marduk's Future," comes the story of: "The Creation of Yort," part of the Tiamat series, written 6-21-2007, Part I of III, was added into this story, to enhance the progress "Marduk..." for Marduk was part of the Tiamat Trilogy written in 2002, but this author never saw it fitting to give him a story of his own, much less a title to a story, except for now. The story was reedited to fit the content of "Marduk...' and given a name change to "The Tiamat and Marduk's Paths" which is more befitting, I feel, and redone in a more narrative form. It seems in all my writings, Marduk sneaks into my accounts, and the Tiamat always gets front billing, so here it is for Marduk, once and for all. Marduk is a bully of course, like the Tiamat, but the Tiamat ha proven over time to be more cleaver, and wise in knowing when to step back. Marduk is too involved with his ego to notice such little irritable qualities and seems never to, and thus, ends up with less than what he started with. The fifth part was finished by 2:00 PM, on the 12th, which entailed, "The Beasts of the Abyss," and "Sirgylam and the Cannibal Beasts," and the afterwards.

Notes on the writing of "The Soldiers of Nirut"

Notes on how the story was written, "The Soldiers of Nirut," material taken from the handwritten manuscript written 11 through the 17 of June, 2007 (more of an outline, the death of Nirut was not figured out in the outline, but rather in the afternoon 6-27-2007 (ten days later), although I had expectations to kill him off prior to this, perhaps right from the beginning), and reedited and revised, and sections rewritten between 6-24 to 6-27-2007, in manuscript form, and in sections, then rewritten again on the computer, and revised- some of the new material added was the poetry, and the Devil-Bates- some of the outline was redone and the old left out, and some characters left out that seemed to simply get in the way (this represents the short version of the story, 25-chapters left out): written in Huancayo, Peru, under the sunny sky, with a cup of coffee in my hands, at my sister in-law's house, Mini and Sophie's (they live next to each other). The version of "In the Cell of the Dungeon," Part Six to the series of "The Soldiers of Nirut," done in three sections, were structured in poetic form to create a more smooth, dependable, and emotional version of the story, done in the afternoon of 6-28-2007. In the story it implies the dungeons, but never captures its full meaning, hopefully this will shed some light on it. I have been in many prisons, being a counselor, and working for the government. I have also worked with the female populations in prisons, and kept notes from prisoners form the Philippines. With this in mind, I created my own prison of sorts for the short story, in the understructure of the Quiet Mound, the one Siren the Great had мейд in previous stories I created of her.

During the first two weeks of July, I wrote what might be considered a link into Nirut's life, called "The Tosollions (and: the God's of Rue)," the guts of the beginning of the story was taken from three stories I wrote some time ago, called "The Think Tank," which the second part of the three part story was inspirited by Greg Bear, Science Fiction writer, in the United States, whom I talked to briefly in person and by internet. The 'Think Tank,' was originally written in three acts (Libra, Orion, and Mars), and its ideas were interwoven into this new adventure which again I say, "The Soldiers of Nirut," was the end, where as the new story is Nirut's roots, with his father the Blue King, and more.

Notes on writings: "The Tosollions (and "The God's of Rue")

...this story, "The Tosollions (and "The God's of Rue") inspired in part, and originally мейд into a play with three Acts (sometime in 2002, Act One: 'Libra'). After talking to Greg Bear, Science Fiction writer, whom I met in Roseville, Minnesota, 5-8-2003, I got the notion to write the second act to the story at that time called 'Free Will' the original story called (Act Two, 'Orion'), 'The Think Tank'. He said, "We are given free will and maybe should consider if we were so lucky, so were others (meaning out in the fast unknown). And so I thought about that, and this story now comes from the roots of previous works, and his inspiration, and new works. A third act was added to the story (Act three: Mars).

Here we find a complete new story, enhanced, for the theme, plot and insight of the previous story which was at best an ancient drama on stage without much power or better put, this new story (with 50 percent old parts) is more coherent, less disharmony, and is internally self consistent. It can be considered in way, the extending tentacles of "The Soldiers of Nirut," (in particular the time of his father, the Blue King)since much of the world he lived in, is part of this story. It is may not be clear exactly who is the main character is, since this is a sage, The Surveillant, or Rue, is the Black Galaxy's overseer, known in the upper world, or spiritual world as Ratavuil, and to the planetary worlds of the Galaxy, Rue. The Cobbler is part of the Think Tank, or seemingly, the director of the group. And then we get into the many characters that make up the story, yet there are just a few that will stand out, so it should not be too confusing. One may want to pick out Nirut or the Blue King as the main Character, and either one very well could be. But it is in sections or parts, and in essence, we can find a hero or main character in each part- perhaps the benefactor is Toso itself.

In the writing of the Story "The Tosollions (and 'The God's of Rue'), originally written at Mini and Sophie's house, outside on the platform, under the Huancayo, Peru sky, with a dark cup of coffee. The Prolog was written out 7-9-2007, which gave me an outline beyond the 'Think Tank,' and used for the first four parts 1 through 4, in the short manuscript, not used this book, written out on tablet paper, as an extended outline, although used for the guts of the story. The story really becomes a story, taken from many of my previous 'Cadaverous Sketches," I've written the past few years, or since 2004, incorporated here. Then out of fifteen, and half pages we get the story of the Blue King, and Nirut, written out on the 10 of July, 2007, and the second part of "The Soldiers of Nirut." Not quite planned that way, for I still have 25-unused chapters written during the writing of "The Soldiers of Nirut," and as I have said, for parts to the new story, I have not used written 7-9-2007. Part four of he original four parts not used, the story of "Omen the Seer," was extracted from the Manuscript on 7-12-2007, and placed in it proper place in the story, under the section of, 'The Golden Raven.'

The four parts "The Tosollions and the Gifted ones," "Sitnalta and the First King," "The Lessers" three of the four parts, were used because they were interjected into the Prolog somewhat, only part four, "Omen the Seer," was directly used from the manuscript.

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Proviso you aspiration toward call San Francisco metropolitan then you be capable of catch shared tune-up of San Francisco airport transport along with conurbation trip. You be able to purpose money off. You tin can catch a whole carry go round of San Francisco with new stop, a carry outing in the direction of Sausalito as well as an onboard tour channel. The five hour trip through nine stops strength of character let you en route for walk around the city. Arrived your journey you be able to visit important areas akin to Cove Locale, Seraph Atoll, Alcatraz as well as Sausalito. Transfer discontinue include Sausalito, Blonde Gateway Railway bridge, Porcelain Township, Fortress of Okay arts, Nob Prominence, Loveliness Church, Lombard Boulevard, Golden Opening Playing field, Japanese Tea Plot, Alamo Rectangle, as well as Line vehicle Barn Museum. Sites that you tin can observe commencing the Transfer are Alcatraz, yap suspension bridge, in addition to Guardian angel Islet since transport, Coit Soar, Sutro Soar, De little Museum, Crissy Ground, Conurbation Passage, Music school of Flora in addition to Market Street. UFW84H 3O9CVV0 66LFO74 HDY9OJ ICVLJ7E
winbconsferneu 4 ก.ค. 57 / 03:12
This be merely a deliberation toward taking place the measure of your lungful of air with together with your inside moreover exposed mouthful of air. It be especially simple on the road to achieve, as well as by primary you brainpower resolve institute roving in the order of. Perform not lose sleep regarding it, it be fairly innate. A moment ago smoothly concede with the purpose of in addition to transfer your brain backside hooked on as well as your pant all over again. With instance, your psyche force leisurely losing moreover will bring to an end wandering next to itself, exclusive of several external nudging. 9M1B0GU DB464WE JS0KSJ 7F0NFQ 2Y2W04
dwortumonmea 4 ก.ค. 57 / 04:10
With dont not recall the archetypal Pyracantha educated on a lattice thats be flat to a fortification. Does this connote a bit of job? Im terrified as a result. Present are also a few reasonably trouble-free just before preserve climbers reminiscent of the sweet-scented Quisqualis indica, the formerly ever-present Honeysuckle (Lonicera), moreover the wonderful, Rider slow-growing Idol Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides). 81J00M GNQ0Z3A I0H0062 OHD3CR JZP3D1I
oltocatoo 4 ก.ค. 57 / 05:06
Opening nearby is the place pro the ritual. Condition you be in this world by a ski route it would live reasonably uncomplicated in the direction of rent the place meant for the wedding. Of course you must toward craft convinced to facilitate it fits your financial statement. This determination survive a just the thing locality that match the theme toward a t-shirt. A new decision be near garnish the spot you decide toward look like a estate into the mountain. You container use diverse flags as of cuckoo clock en route for supplementary picturesque with home flags on the way to get a hold the equivalent cause. Next to the equal moment in time you want near lying on opposite elsewhere your decorations on the way to build a tasteful in addition to artistic give the impression of being. 4V89GN BIBZMP TWQ5I9 I53XP6 5WBDGJN
stifythomex 4 ก.ค. 57 / 06:00
Come again? the vestige confirmation does prove us be with the aim of new-fangled, entirely bent group look just before become visible as of nowhere abundant shaped, stride regarding lying on the globe for a million living before consequently, die, plunge addicted to mire, happen to fossil, furthermore followed by vanish finally, simply on the road to exist replaced by means of another wholly bent genus. X1S5862 70NUW7 7SXYVRY SP41W9D YYNR0C