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Depression once knocked on my door.

เขียนโดย Nntty
Please note that I never went to see any psychiatrist or psychologist but I had studied about depression. Considering how I felt, there was a possibility that I would suffer from depression. The story happened more than a year ago. Everything gradually developed -- four months of being unhappy, four months of being very depressed of which the last two was the struggle to overcome those bad feelings.

New school, new friends, new society... I had to adjust myself to blend with others. The new society was so different from the one I had left from. I was often unhappy because I missed the good old days. So much selfishness was in the air. Some new friends became closed friends, but there were lies and insincerity. I felt low. More selfishness, more lies, more insincerity... I wanted to get out of this mess, but I could not as there were group works restraining me at that time.

Bad feelings flooded into my door. I felt deeply low as if I had fallen into a deep black sea, drowning. My personality changed. I was not cheerful anymore. I was more quiet. Eating did not make me happy like before. Anything in black became more beautiful. Black became the new red. The sun did not make the world enjoyable. I did not look bright as though I wore bad feelings as makeup. Actually, bad feelings chained me and dragged me to drown deeper. I did not want to be at the bottom of the sea. I knew that depression was knocking on my door, and I did not want to let him in. I was scared.

The conversations with the trusted ones reminded me that I still had good friends who were ready to support me whenever the bad time came. I tried to think as much positively as I could. Finally, bad time flew. So did bad feelings. It was the four most depressed months. However, the bad feelings have left me a few scars.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Whenever you feel low or feel depresssed, talk to someone you trust.

