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Landscaping A Flower Bed

เขียนโดย pehortistscal

According to hypnosis expert Dick Sutphen, your thoughts when in deep levels of trance are 1000 times more influential than during your normal waking consciousness. Luckily you pass through this state of consciousness at least twice a day.

Unluckily most people doze off as they've had no mind training to keep them conscious and alert mentally when the body basically goes to sleep.

If you hook someone up to an EEG machine to measure brainwave activity, you'll notice pulsing electrical signals sweeping from the front to the back of the brain a certain number of times per second.

What's called the BETA brainwave state is when there's between 12 and 20 pulses per second and corresponds to a wide awake, alert state of mind, focussed outwards on the physical world.

Lower than that is the ALPHA brainwave state, when there's between 8 and 12 pulses per second and corresponds to a day dreamy, creative state of mind, focused more inwards on the mental worlds.

One level deeper than this is the THETA brainwave state is when there's between 6 and 8 pulses per second and corresponds to deep trance states, and at this point most people are fast asleep, totally focused inwards on the dream world.

With a little practice you can increase the range of brainwave states you're able to stay mentally alert and awake in. You're aiming to get comfortable working mentally in the alpha-theta range. This lets you access your intuition, your creativity, insight, idea generators, ESP senses, and most importantly for us, your Manifestation thought projection skills, much, much more consistently and at will.

This core skill is what makes the difference between people who get patchy results (or none at all) and those who can DO IT all the time, whenever they like. It really is the engine behind the best manifesting systems, and there's lots of way to access these mind states at will.

Here's one I like:

Step One) Sit down somewhere you'll be undisturbed, preferably on a straight backed chair (a dining chair is ideal). Close your eyes, get comfortable and take a couple of deep breaths. Let your eyes look up slightly at about a 20 degree angle (this triggers stronger alpha brainwave production, associated with those higher brain regions).

Step Two) Now just simply, calmly and in a relaxed manner count backwards from 100 to 1... letting any thoughts just wash around you and float away as you just count backwards, slowly and smoothly. By the time you get to 1, or probably before хэнд, you'll be nicely relaxed physically and mentally.

Feel free to spend some time in this nice relaxed state. You may like to visualise nice relaxing scenes... like lying on a nice quiet beach, soaking in the sun... or walking calmly in a beautiful forest, birdsong in the air and the lovely smell of mountain flowers floating in the air.

You can repeat this exercise as a standalone relaxation drill, and also take further advantage of the times when you slip in and out of sleep to deepen it further.

As you go to sleep tonight, simply relax, get comfortable and count backwards as above. You'll notice that as you get more experienced in this state of mind you can go deeper every time, let your body relax further and further until you awareness of it tends to fade away, leaving you feeling like a floating point of awareness, deeply and very pleasurably relaxed.

This is the ideal state of mind for doing your manifestation drills in - deeply relaxed, your whole brain is connected up, your thoughts are 1000x more powerful than your normal state of mind.

And you can also claim your FREE Manifesting Starter Kit when you visit 3 Special Reports, Meditation Mind Music, Brain Programming Software and Manifesting Audio Lesson.

From Michael Campbell and SuperHumanSecrets


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