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Wedding Dress With Pink Flowers

เขียนโดย stifythomex

Many persons take in a great gulp of fresh air when the word, love, hits the airways and is directed at them. Even couples find it hard to express themselves using this one word.

Those who have problems with the mention of the word, love, find that they have to take an even greater gulp when saying, or thinking about that word. It is a word that humbles a person if they understand it. Many single men, those still playing the field, would run a little faster when they hear that word mentioned. They run not because they are afraid, but because of the hang ups, and let downs they believe it carries with it. That is why you probably will never hear the word said in a lively chit-chat at a gathering of fellas around a pool table, or in a bar setting. Women on the other хэнд is a different story. They can hear the word love, twenty four seven. This by no means make women shallow, nor overly depressed.

A word that has only four little letters including two vowels, carries tremendous weight, power and influence. It can shake down entire kingdoms and rough up pretty much any relationship. Sometimes, the mere mention of the word, love, will have men shaking in their boots, biting their upper lip, and wondering what to do, or say next. When men are captivated by the word, the sun comes out, the clouds separate, the birds sing, and everything is right in the world. They are in love, and there are always traces of love in their manners, their conversation, and bodily gestures. Women get all mushy at the mention of it. If they are in the right mood and the announcement of it is at the right moment, they cannot control themselves, nor should they. Women and men seem to change body temperatures just at the mouthing of the word, love.

So, maybe it does make the world go round. Showing a little love to your animals, plants and everything that is alive, works wonders as well. Tests with people hooked up to computers and modern technology have proven that the word, love, is even measurable. Even the great green thumb theory has some validity when the word, love comes on the stage. Try taking care of your plants and flowers without water, touch and saying encouraging words of growth and happiness to your plants and animals.

The Greatest Love is simple. It is very easy. It is not hard, it really is not too difficult to understand, and despite general every day feelings, it is painless.

Unfortunately, we look for love in all the wrong places. We look for it in another individual or even in ourselves. There is a much better and wholesome and truer place.

First, you must identify love, your love. You must believe that it exists. You must be true to your feelings, and emotions. If you must test its existence, here goes. Don't you have something, or someone in your household that when you see it you are totally in awe and fabulous happy? You know something that warms your heart in the instant that you see it, touch, or taste it. It might be a pet, a flower, or even a picture, a book, a gift, or something you did very successfully.

I am aware that the songs, great writings, and poetry state that you must love yourself first. That loving yourself should be your very first mission, project or procedure. Loving yourself first should be your purpose. That is fine and collective, but you can only give love to love. Love on the human level is loaded with doubts, confusion, dramas, mishaps, jealously, and major misunderstandings. You can only give true love to true love and the only true love is the love of the Divinity, your God, your maker, whatever you believe brought you here, whatever put you on this green and blue planet, whatever put you into this lifestyle that you are presently living. Whatever put you into this good, bad, or ugly time span. Love is perfect because it is pure and wholesome and natural, but it is also the greatest gift from the Divinity. We are not as pure as the Divinity even though we are of the Divinity. We have a few unanswered problems, and things to cleanse and solve. We have to leave something for the Divinity. It knows all the cute hiding places, and it knows what we have to do to become whole.

When the world ends, and there is nothing left of anything including mankind, inanimate and animate objects, you can count on love to bring us back, and to rekindle the flames. The last man standing as the saying goes is love. There is no other precious gift. There is nothing else that is priceless in value. We live to love and love to love. Love of the Divinity is all that matters. The Divinity is your checks and balances. What is the saying? It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. Thank goodness the Divinity will not allow you to lose, nor be lost.

The Divinity is you and you are the Divinity. What is the saying, God мейд you in his image and likeness. If you believe that, you are one with your creator or maker, then, this must be true. If you do not believe that, then that would be a topic for another time.

Now, you are feeling the urge to love your children or people very close to you. I think that is honorable and thoughtful, but you need to resist that. Your children will grow up and find someone to love and leave you despite your pleas and "what about me" statements. That is unfortunate, but you have a cleansing mission to resolve with the Divinity and no one can do it for you.

We earnestly need to love the Divinity with our whole heart, mind, spirit and soul. We should not want to live in this or any existence without loving the Divinity.

