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17: The Dialogues

The Great Hall of Camelot

The Dark Ages

(AD 400-800)

The Dialogue of Florencia and the Green Knight (1)

Twilight-time in the Great Hall of the mediaeval castle- Men-at arms stand idly here and there...

One of them holds up a cup of wine, his name is Gawain, as if to give it to a young lovely lady, her name is Florencia. She is about to walk away, she senses something, a being besides Gawain....!

Gawain: "I beg you, take this wine, it is good. "

Florencia: "t is good for sleep, and I am not yet ready!"

Then a green mist starts to show, unwittingly the blade of Gawain slowly comes of out his sheath:

Florencia: "Pardon my unbelief, Great Knight of the Round Table, go pour me a fresh drink, my thirst is great, For England's dust lingers in my throat...."

GK: "'T is well. Wine's a decent craze!" said a voice lingering within the mist." your sweet face, dear lady, and your warm heart I will let Gawain live for to draw a sword, or to nearly do is to knew the fight has started, it was wise to have him flee, I would cast him, as the shout of my voice raised into groans.!

Florencia: "Ah, pardon me! Forgive me mighty sire! For are you the Green Knight, the one whom only the bravest have see, the one and only Coeur de Lion?

GK: "I waist a Knights breath on one who insults me, I give you honesty, go braid your mouth, O slanderers lady!"

Florencia: "And this I swear by all my heart, Behold, a portion of me already belongs to you, long since upon my birth I have wanted the greatest of trees, not the twig! My birthday is today, I am nineteen, and it is not strange at all of me, once bereaved, for my father was the greatest of knights, and I can not wed a lower,"

Green Knight (with a murmur): "You put it utterly to the point, my fair lady! You are an eagle, and I accept your apology. If that indeed is what it is."

Florencia: "I sense your blood is as green as your mist my lord, I know none such of your kind--cold as a church-bells iron, and warm as a heaths feast in winter-time! My soul now breaths like flowers' tryst...!"

GK: "A curse is to the one that harms you, be it me, or any soul or demon who would allure you! "

Florencia: "You are admirable, but tell me more, about the lion and the fable behind you, he champion, has he not seen the wars, is there no peer, can I have consolation in his love, or must I fear. I hear I could never loose him on the battle field, ere- would it be sire and wife, or husband and wife? I am put a young pine that stands too close to grand parent this not ill for each? Have you a gentle heart?

GK: "And suppose I had...for I am filled sick of rootless wandering the world from age to age, I now look upon you. Begone! Or if you stay, it may be, I take you in haste with burning hands, love is here, long waited, so begone or if you stay as the troubadour sings, when he stops you will be mine."

(And it was that the king's minstrels started to sing and play their instruments thereafter.)

18: The Dialogue of Florencia and the Sir Gawain (2)

The Great Hall of Camelot

Gawain Returns

Florencia moved by a grand-pillar of the Castle. Gawain, the Favorite Knight of legend and

lore, Approaches her, walks to her,

face to face, tote to toe, with her cup of wine,

she is the youth of spring flowers-

it is now the last of twilight.

The hue of the mist enfolded Florence's arms around her breasts- she almost slept as if mixed in a bottle full of love position,

Gawain (in a stupor :) "I sorrow for thy lady--such a hue on your face, I have slain others for beguiling blossoms of my heart...who it is in this room you fancy, who stops thy timid heart: forget the darkness that covers twilit, and the silence of our moment, I am your refuge in this peopled hall.

Florencia (in a toxic mood.): "She lives, yes for another man, like a horizon, ready to be gathered, ready to rise, and perhaps perish, but in peace."

Gawain: "You will have your peace in tomb's blackness, which gives peacelessness to such a foolish flame inside a young woman's heart, I shall quench the fire, let me know who the mighty gem is, and your secret will remain with me, and I will bring him death.

19: The Dialogue of Florencia and the Sir Gawain (3)

The mist reaper--a shape develops, slightly, Gawain,

Pulls his sword, Florencia holds her breath

As if to say, 'What now!'

The blade touches the shoulder of the Green Knight

Not quite fully visible yet, His sword

Disincarnates into


Gawain: "For all kings have yearned for such a knight that we be spirit and flesh, and hid in its mist--subdue me if you can, host of constrain!

GK: I have broken your strength, keep from my doom--lest your flesh vanish, like fire quenched."

(A long Silence.)

GK: "Come now Florencia, speedily, night falls over Camelot, like a black star. Thy price thou know'st lady, when the minstrel stops I shall go--speak now or speak nevermore of this. 'Pain and love rules me of this moment--who dares to pay my price--not flesh, not any- yet if they could they would take my life,--but no knights or kings can conquer it. Only you can subdue me, life is either an exploration or naught."

20: Florencia Most Honored

Florencia moves closer into the mist, as he now transform into a clearer picture of who he is in the flesh. Gawain turns and disappears into the crowd, he realizes he cannot blow out the torch inside Florencia's heart, and the Green Knight has acted within the code of the Knights, he cannot take death, he is bound to his fate, his lot in life, and there, he does not take advantage of his superiority, as he has allowed Gawain, to stand firm with chivalry, But neither will he allow him or anyone to put his love for Florencia in jeopardy.

21: Florencia notices many lords and knights now at the long tables, bright banners are brought up to the tables where the feast is to take place, the music continues to play, meat and vegetables, breads and plates are now put onto the table, soups are being carried out...

22: GK: "In this mysterious light, that reflects throughout the hall, thou art so strangely beautiful, you consume me! Temptation transcends me, as if I am put into a new world. Do not be surprised--loveliness, forsake this world, and come into mine--deny, abjure this life- for we shall see disastrous days but perish I shall not, and therefore, you do not have to worry: I am the price, and be it what it may."

Florencia: "All men of flesh are mad, alas! What road is left for a woman of flesh, a pearl today I maybe, but when I am old, then what?"

GK: "We shall dim the winter lamp, when the time comes."

Florencia: How then shall I win thy kiss...?

GK: "Thou soon shall see me fully in flesh, for you will see my age shall mock thy youth. Brig then our lips--like gems to mine."

23: Florencia: Thou does amuse me, my lord!" then looking into his configuration, and eyes, continued by saying: "You are wiser than most men I have known...wiser than those who have questioned you I would guess, and you have cheated years for days. And you see my eyes gleam for thee, lit with the light of some mysterious love."

GK: "For what the god's desire, I have thrown away, until now. And the gods are smile the power fools take to be looked upon as gods. You will be my citadel, I will be your storm, and duty, love and reason will guide us."

24: The Green Knight Philosophizes

GK: "Perhaps the brave dead are braver than the brave living...for I have seen traitors spawn (what need be) for treasures, sacred or not, out of self-interest. I have fought and found the battles I fight for others are all in vain.

"In a moments time the music will stop, and you will touch my fleshly lips with your gems, burn for me in this last moment! I promise once in mine arms, thou shall receive the joy of ten-thousand years, and all the love I have saved."

25: (The music stops. And in the Green Knights mind, he whispers 'Betray me now, or go forward. Nay, I shall not try to win her twice.'

Gawain is in the distance, by the tables of food, staring over at Florencia, he is unsure of her fate. He keeps touching his sword, as if he is trying to talk himself into something.)

Continuation of:

The Epic in Poetic Form

Guinevere's Arrival

26: Yester eve had arrived, merriment was at хэнд,

Queen Guinevere showed her presence at the party

Of King Arthur's niece- there was a levier lady than she,

and she notice her, Florencia, and the uninvited

guest, the Green knight was standing near a pillar,

now clear as day, they had kissed, it pleased the

Green Knight to become visible- ere, this lovely lady

walked slowly towards the doors, her хэнд his.

The king looked at them both, she was of royalty,

and her ancestors were like King Arthur, Roman

decent. She was the daughter of Loth, the niece

of King Arthur.

27: They walked, sensing the eyes of Gawain following

them: as well as Guinevere's eyes, and the Kings-

Bishop Baldwin was present and fifty trumpets sounded,

and the king sat at down at the head of the table,

and Gawain left, disappeared into the darkness.

It was the noblest of feasts--yet Florencia

would not turn back to join the Knights, and King, she

was centered on the Green Knight, followed him proudly

to the high arched doors of the castle.

(In the background there was much beer and amounts of

food, but she would not eat, or drink with her kind,

her stomach was in a romantic frenzy, her skin like

goose skin, her heart pumping wildly.)

Florencia's Youth

28: (Narrator :) Now of this feast I will say little to nothing more--for I am sure this is not to your liking, such details can be boring. But noise came, a voice,

then Florencia drew near to it, and she could hear his heart breathing,

she could actually hear it over the music, the drums and pipes

within the Great Hall. She could not leave him, thus

she allowed all to pass her (this youthful

beauty of nineteen).

All the garments of the Green Knight were Green, a fine robe of green,

that covered his shoulders- he, himself was finely trimmed,

handsome, and with thick locks of hair. His horse

was green, a stallion.

As many looked on towards these two figures, they knew

who this noble knight was, his reputation

preceded him. Gladness filled

the eyes of Florencia as

grief filled the king's.

29: Guinevere's Monologue

Brave and bold he stood, the Green Knight, as young knights came to and fro, unsure of what to do as the now the Green Knight was completely visible in the flesh. All could see him escorting Florencia towards the doors. Sir Gawain moved slowly and Guinevere was most happy, said:

"The Green Knight is the finest soldier of us all, adored by many, throughout the ages, if indeed Florencia wished to leave with him--unless there be some good reason: lords, ladies, and knights."

And the soldiers let him pass without a movement- the king was not as happy, nor as courteous as Guinevere did not contradict his wife.

So by the look of the king, and vice of the Queen, did all abide, and stood not in their way.

"Go your way in bliss, abode together and what ever life you find, may you enjoy it," said Guinevere, and then sat down at the long table. But Gawain was not pleased.

30: The Dialogues

Outside the Halls of Camelot

The Dialogue of Florencia, Gawain, and the Green Knight (4)

The Sorrows

Gawain: "Thou shall come with me to the feast, for what remains of the night!"

(There is no music, and both the Green Knight and Florencia stand outside by the castle door now, and below them, the many steps, that lead into the front court yard. Gawain has met them there.)

GK: "Trouble thee not thy heart Florencia! Come closer to me, cast thy arms sound me, for I love thee."

Gawain: "Surely you have said that to many--blind you are Florencia, sweet flow'rs of youth, do not give them to a ghost, he has sorcery to bind your heart!"

31: (Then Gawain pulls out his sword and with a downward thrust, slices open the Green Knight like a watermelon, it is deep, the sword descends through him like butter, and through his back, and into mid section of Florencia, and into her internal organs. She will bleed to death soon, and she knows it. The Ghost of the Green Knight seals his would, within seconds, as if it were a scratch, and as fast as a whirlwind, he pulls his sword, towers over Gawain, and is ready to slice through him from head to toe, at which time, the dying Florencia speaks, "And on your tongue rests revenge and death, my love, slay not Gawain, no, it is not for him to die, and for you to hate and horror be place in your heart, let me die in your arms at peace, and spare my once protector..."))and so it was!))

32: The Grieving of Gawain

Gawain lifts his body up to a straight posture out of a fighting stance--the Green Knight now kneels beside his Florencia, taking a last and final kiss, then she falls backwards in death.

Gawain: "I have slain my king's niece, and soon will cast myself against my own sword--for I have cheated her out of life, and the world of her beauty, I will stand soon before the sightless dead."

(The Green Knights body was warm, and so still was hers, and as she lay into his arms, the mist around him opened up her pours, and it seeped into her...)

GK: "O fool thou, has gained nothing from this, and from two kisses I have gained much. Thy sword shall not obtain thee peace by death. I shall return in a year, gather thy strength, for thou shall need it all! I will have a proposition for thee!"

(The Green knight Whispers: 'No matter what, today has мейд beautiful my past, and I shall remember it until my last hour!')

The green knight vanished among he great castle's towers, and Gawain carries Florencia into the Great Hall of Camelot, and one can hear the echoes of a Great Knight moaning...!

The End

Notes on the writing of the story: "Sir Gawain, and the Ghost of the Green Knight." It was written at Mini and Sophie's house in Huancayo, Peru: the outline written out in the afternoons sitting on Sophie's patio, in the sun, in the month of June, 2007. The overview, or chapter one through eight, the whole story here, was written out that one afternoon, 6-30-2007. Chapter nine, "The Grieving of Gawain," was written out 7-2-2007, along with three parts not put into this story, called, "The Boy Soldier," which entailed the Green Knight meeting of a solider during the Crusades, and the boy (Flu) talks briefly on the love of a woman, and in the morning the boy is gone. In essence, youth has its wisdom, even though at times it seems clumsy. It was a sketch that was not needed, also written the second of July. This story has done quite well on the Internet a day after it was written completed. The poetic form and dialogue was done in a specific way, along with the narration.

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