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The CSS quiz

เขียนโดย Caje

I've just finished reading almost all about CSS in w3schools today because I want to prepare myself for web developing I have to study next year.

I took the online quiz and this is what I got at the first try.

I know that this may not prove anything,but I'm still proud.

Anyway, I learn many new things and technics that also can be applied to My.iD. But I'm too lazy to update the Code article. :D

Next are XHTLM, java scripts, XML and then... may be php or asp... I'm not sure.

[Didn't you said that you would go out to face more real world?]

Well, I'm a little internet addict, so I've changed my mind. :)



allya 2 ก.พ. 53 / 20:59

^ ^

CoffeeCup 3 ก.พ. 53 / 16:45
And don't forget upcomming HTML5, Actionscript 3, Python, blah blah blah...
Caje 3 ก.พ. 53 / 22:35

I think HTML5 will not be too hard to follow.

My teacher recommend JavaFX instead of Flash, so I'll try JavaFX first.

And about the Python and other things, I don't know. Just only what I have in my plan is already overload

Anyway, thanks for mentioning them.

CoffeeCup 6 ก.พ. 53 / 20:56
I'm currently studying PYTHON for Visual Novel Project of mine and my friends. That program use PYTHON to create game. (I just released BETA 2 for my friends not long ago) Sometimes I think it's nonsense like everyone said that Game Programming is not a thing political science student should has as a hobby, since it's not a thing usable and no one around me has any bit of interested. But...I like it. I want to create our game with my friends. So who cares abot those unconstructive politic students (Isn't that also me? Oh...well, I just want to do something I like. That's it. Maybe a lot of kids will love politician who loves games. I can use this as selling point when I want to be a next prime minister!)