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Florida Flower Trees

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Have you ever had to deal with people that were arrogant or over inflated with themselves? You know the kind, they think they know everything and you can't ever carry on a normal conversation with them, because every thing you try to talk about they appear to already know.

They just get that smug smart aleck look and smile and shake their head up and down, like you're telling me something I already know. It's like yeah, yeah, yeah, I already know that, I don't need you to tell me.

These kinds of people are on the top of my, give the boot list and the list of people you need to avoid the most. I mean you absolutely can't say anything to them that they don't know. And you get that don't ask me that dumb question look.

And heaven forbid if you ever ask them a question with an obvious answer just make conversation. Like if they're washing their clothes and you walk in and say what cha doing.

I know this falls into the there's your sign category for Bill Engvall, but people ask these obvious questions just to break the ice and get a conversation started, not because they are stupid enough to ask dumb questions.

But if you ask anything like that these arrogant, combative, know it alls will walk all over you with smart remarks, trying to make you look and feel stupid. They roll their eyes back in their head, and say something smart like, you see me putting them into the washer don't you, instead of just being decent and saying yes. Or they would say am I washing my clothes? No I'm just feeding the washing machine, because it's hungry. Hey where's the love and affection at, and joy of togetherness?

They can't ever give a straight normal answer without attaching some drama to it.

If they have so much problem with everyone else, they should stay to themselves and away from all other people. No one in their right mind wants to argue all the time. And no one wants to have to listen to someone constantly complain about anything and everything.

It's a fact that it just takes too much energy to argue or complain. No one wants to hang around with complainers and whiners, they are miserable to be around, they cause other people to be miserable, and they make themselves miserable.

What makes a difference is what you learn after you know it all that counts.

They love to correct your grammar and correct you on any subject that you talk about.

They have to conflict with every thing you say or do. They always have to add their two cents worth.

They always have to voice their opinion no matter who it hurts. And believe me they have an opinion on everything. And personally no one wants to hear their opinion all the time, we would all just like them to shut up and let us talk. No one else could care less about their opinions, I mean opinions are like butt holes every body has one and if we wanted their opinion we would ask for it.

These kind of people don't like to be told anything, they want to be in charge and rule the roost. And when you try to shut them down they just get loud, and start spouting off about their rights even though they are violating everyone else's rights with their big mouth. They need to learn the vocabulary of silence.

Well, I do respect their rights. I respect their rights to shut up and keep their big mouth closed because no one else wants to hear it. They can keep their opinion to themselves. If we want it we will ask for it. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion but when you are constantly shoving it down everybody's throat on every subject, then you have worn out your welcome and your opinion just lost its value. Nobody is an authority on every subject. People want be talked to, not talked at.

These people always have to have the last word and no matter what you say they are always right. These argumentative people are combative, impatient, irritable and full of strife, they want to have their cake and eat it too. They always have a reason why they are right and you are wrong. Even if they are wrong and they know it they will still try to justify themselves being right.

If you are in a relationship with one of these people, get out of it now, Why? Because if you think they are a pain in the butt now, wait until you marry them. Your problems will quadruple and you will remember me and this article and that I tried to warn you.

How do I know this? I've lived it. I was warned by a minister through a sermon to never marry someone and think it will get better after you are married. Never think that you will change someone or that they will change, because they will never change and you will be miserable.

And I didn't listen, I even heard those words on my wedding day, and I still got married, and those words proved true starting with the same day I got married. She brought nothing but misery, lies and deceit to my life. And I almost мейд the same mistake again, but I smartened up and walked away this last time and I never regretted it since.

Now I can look back and see what kind of miserable situation that I would have been in had I stayed.

But to you women out there stuck in a relationship with an argumentative know it all this applies to your relationship too, get out while you can don't set yourself up for a life of misery, no one is that good looking, no woman or man. Good looks with out a personality are worthless. Its like a nice fancy car that breaks down all the time, it's just a source of misery.

So in closing I'm telling you these things so that you wont waste years of your life in misery as I did in a relationship with a know it all or someone that argues all the time.

If you have one of these people run for the hills and just start over, you will glad you did.

Life's too short to keep living on broken promises.

Beauty will fade like a flower, and the personality is what you will be left with, good or bad.

5-26-2010 Wednesday 5:05pm Timothy Edward Wilhelm Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Hi I am Tim Wilhelm I write on Marriage, Romance, Health, and Encouragement For Your everyday life Also • Inspiring Poetry with a positive message • Product reviews • Articles on real life situations • Comments and Questions • Article Writing


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